Thursday 5 May 2016

Cashless or Reimbursement in Health Insurance.

Lots of person are confused between cashless and reimbursement in health insurance policies.Generaly both terms usually comes on Health Insurance and most preferable term is Cashless, but question is here that what is cashless or reimbursement?
So, Friends here I will provide you entire details about the cashless and reimbursement, which is definitely helpful for you.

Cashless: Now a day’s cashless claim provider insurance company is on top. The reason behind this is in cashless we don’t need to pay any amount from our pocket, but it’s limited till your policy coverage.

Suppose a person has been taken a policy with coverage of 10 lakh and due to some operation his claim amount comes more than 10 lakh, than insurance company will directly pay 10 lakh and remaining amount paid by customer from their own pocket.
In cashless health insurance policy company will issue a card to every policy holder and once the customer received card, than customer can use that card for treatment. Customer just need to show their Identity proof and card to hospital or clinic counter and after that whatever treatment cost comes, that will be automatically deducted from card.This is most useful, helpful and hassle free process.

Reimbursement: This is a little tough and its create some hassle too, because in reimbursement person always needs to pay money from their own pocket and after that person needs to collect all medical bills, diagnostic test bill, discharge summary and submit it to respected insurer from the person has been bought policy and after successful submission of documents insurance company will pay the amount as per bill details.

How to choose Cashless Health Insurance Plan?
Its little tough to choose cashless plan, because now a day’s most of insurance company provides cashless plans, but the condition is they provide cashless facility to their network hospital only. If due to some reason you went to some non-network hospital, than you have to pay bill amount from your pocket and then company will reimburse you after getting bills.

So, in this situation you need to keep some points on your mind at the time of buying health insurance policy.

1. Your Locality
2. More network hospital, more profit
3. Check insurer network hospital list on your area.
4. What benefit you are getting under the plan.

For More Details Visit here :
call us : +91 7319758961
mail us :

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Whole Life LIC Plan Benefits

LIC only company who provides the plan in field of whole life. Yes its right.LIC already introduced Jeevan Anand and updated edition New Jeevan Anand Plan,which is comes on whole life section. Here I will provide you details of whole life insurance policy and what benefits do you have in this kind of policy.
So, First thing of this policy is Insurance cover. As the name reflect that this type of policy provide you insurance cover till death or lifetime of policy holder. Also This kind of policy have some features additionally and some feature available like other policies.

1.Double Accident Cover : This is Rider available with plan.In this Rider if policy holder death happen in Road accident or any other kind of accident and the outcome is death,than nominee will be entitled with double value of sum assured.Suppose Mr X has opted a policy worth 25 Lakh Sum Assured and after some time Mr X death happens due to any accident,than his nominee will receive 50 Lakh Rs and premium and policy will stopped.Also This rider activate from day 1.Means from the same day of policy purchase.

2. Crittical Illness Rider : This rider also available with the policy.In this rider all type of critical disease covered like Cancer,Heart Attack,paralysis and lot many other critical disease like this.In this situation policy holder’s premium will be waived off by Insurance company and policy holder is eligible for all the benefits in future.Like Moneyback,Maturity and other things.

3.Maturity Benefits : This policy means New Jeevan Anand also provides maturity benefit on survival of policy holder and after getting maturity after certain term policy will be continue without paying any amount and in case of death after maturity nominee also eligible for an amount equal to sum assured and nominee will get same.  

How To Get Premium Paid Statement Of LIC For Tax Saving.

When you are fill ITR on that you need to show your savings and investment also for save some amount of tax and for this process you need to attach proof or documents related to your investment and savings.Here I will provide you details that if you have LIC Policies,than how can you get premium paid statement from yourself.Because many times your agent is not reachable or you can’t able to contact your agent for premium statement or recipe.On that situation your are in a big trouble.
So,Friends for getting premium paid statement you need to create a login ID on LIC website online.Link is here :

So from the above link you need to create a user ID and passwors.Once you have done this,than you need to login and after login you can easily get premium paid statement from the menu.

Benefits Of IT Return Filling.

Lots of person file Income Tax and pay their tax,but very few people knows about the return filling.Yes friends after tax deduction you can also file for returns of your tax deduction,if you are eligible.Everybody knows that 31st March is the last date of income tax filling,but after 31st march you can file for return.
Suppose a person file Income Tax before 31st March and also paid his/her all taxes and after that he/she remembered about some investment,which he/she already invested in same financial year.On that situation person is eligible to fill return and get back amount from Income Tax department as per the investment of person.
Also process is very simple.You need to fill return online Like you filled for pay tax and after that you need to upload your documents related to your investment and savings.Documents should be your premium paid statement or any other documents which is shows your investment amount.After successful submission you will get mail and message regarding your tax return and than your work done.Your Return Tax will be credited to your account,card or any other place from which you paid you tax previously.

I hope this post is useful for you and if you have any suggestion about this blog,than please don’t hesitate to write me here :

5 Best Ways To Save Your Tax Deduction

Now a days everyone thinking about that how they can minimize their tax deduction.So,First I will explain you the details of Tax and its slabs.
So, As per the new Budget tax slab has been changed and increased the tax deduction slab. Now If you are earning more than 2.5 lakh Rs Annualy,than you have to pay tax as per rules.
Tax Slab :-
2.5 Lakh – 5 Lakh = 10 %
5 Lakh – 8 lakh = 20%
8 lakh – above 10 lakh = 30%
So, This is the conditions and you need to pay tax.
But there are lot many legal and simple ways available to save your tax deduction or at least minimize your deduction.
So, Below I will provide you the details of that legal ways.

1.Life Insurance : Life Insurance is a very best and most convenient way to save your tax. Here in above line I said very best and convenient due to its feature. Because if you opt life insurance for tax saving, than it’s provide you multiple benefits. You are covered under insurance coverage in condition of death, illness, accident and lot many other things. Also Life Insurance is a way to reach your goal as well as keep discipline on your savings and investment,which will not show you immediate benefits,but after long time you will get a surprising result and you can achieve your goal as well.Life Insurance also provides a financial security to your family and you can save tax undersection 80C.

2.House Rent : This is also one of the best way to save your tax.You just need to submit rent receipt to your Company and your work done.

3.Health Insurance : Health Insurance also help you to save tax under Section 80D.You need to show your health insurance policy details and receipt to your company and you will get tax relaxtion.

4.Tax Saving Bond : This also one of the best way to save your tax.This will also a type of investment and related to market.But one major benefit is the higher return of Bonds,but the return is totally depends on the Market.

5.SIP : SIP means Systematic Investment Plan.This is great way to save your tax and if you invest regularly in SIP,you can definitely became a millionaire,because SIP provide you returns upto 30%.

So,Dear Choose this option and save your tax deduction.

Thursday 17 March 2016

How To Check LIC Policy Status.

It’s a major concerns of lot of customer that how to check the latest policy status of LIC.So,Here I will Provide you all possible solution from which you can check the status of your LIC policy.So,Now don’t worry about it.There are 2 ways available to check your Insurance Policy Status. First you need to create a login ID For login to your account and the process is below for creating your login ID.Click on the below link :

Now You Need to enter your policy number,DOB,Premium and Email Id,after successfully entry windows will ask your user id and password.You need to create user ID and password as per your wish and after this process your work done and you can check your policy status as well as you can make your renewal premium online.

Second process is mailing.Yes you need to mail to your customer zone email Id respected to your branch and mention your policy number,than customer zone will revert with you your policy status.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Kanhaiya Made a Shameless Drama for Getting Media Coverage.

Its looking very worst,when a child became young and abusing her mother.Abusing to that mother who born him,who provide him education and all necessary things which is needed to became a successful person and that child abusing her mother...Friends what's your thinking about this.Is it possible to forgive this work for a mother?.....Is it possible to give him pardon?.....Same work done by kanhaiya in JNU university. Kanhaiya Kanhaiya abused to our mother after gave slogan against our patriots.Many patriots fight for freedom of our country and lots of person hanged during this struggle and after this long and hard struggle,India was got freedom.India is democratic country everybody knows,but we need to manage this democracy.We have a freedom to speak anything,but its really bad to listen something against our country,our patriots.This is a work like the misusing of right of speak.Some people like Kanhaiya misusing the democracy of India.I am asking to Kanhaiya that you were born in India,eating country food,got education from India and now you are doing slogan against India.Please stop this idiot works....Youths are the future of India and any country.If youth empower there strength in good work and start doing good work,than this corruption and all other bad things automatically finished up.Everyone says that in India there is too much corruption available and corrupted people are there.But who supports this corruption...Have you think about it?   No....
Common is the only reason who support corruption and generate corrupted person...Lets i will give you an example :
Suppose a parents need birth certificate for his/her baby and the government official ask bribe for issuing birth certificate and the person without thinking anything give him bribe....So,now tell me who is supporting corruption....So,Mr Kanhaiya please stop this bullshit and start doing good things.Which is beneficial for everyone.Also we are Youth Mr Kanhaiya....If we think to finish this all,than definately we can do....But with proper way...Which increase the name and fame of our country world wide.