Wednesday 23 December 2015

Complete Guide Of Health Insurance in Single Website Of IRDAI.

Now IRDAI taken a one more Brilliant step.IRDAI will launch a sitefor Policy Holders and all People who are looking for policies. In this site IRDAI provides all details about the Insurance in Brief and common people can gain and increase their knowledge about theInsurance and the processes. Insurance watchdog – Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI) has announced its decision to float a new consumer education portal to educate general public and insurance policyholders on various aspects of insurance.
The new website expected to go live on Monday will have complete information that includes, cost of treatment and treatment facility offered across 35,000 hospitals that are registered with insurers for providing cashless payment facility. 
“ It’ s a unique initiative of Irdai which going forward will helpinsurance companies and hospitals and all the insured under varioushealth insurance schemes to get all relevant data at one place,” IRDAI  member Nilesh Sathe told PTI.
As part of the initiative, every hospital associated with insurers has been given a ‘ Unique Identification Number’ (UIN). The UIN will enable the IRDAI-promoted Insurance Information Bureau (IIB) to keep a tab on the patterns of health insurance claims from all those hospitals. 
The creation of the Web site is part of a series of initiatives under the ‘ BimaBemisaal’ for creating awareness about insurance.

Health Insurance Is More Easy To Understand Now With IRDAI.

Now IRDAI taken a one more Brilliant step.IRDAI will launch a sitefor Policy Holders and all People who are looking for policies. In this site IRDAI provides all details about the Insurance in Brief and common people can gain and increase their knowledge about theInsurance and the processes. Insurance watchdog – Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI) has announced its decision to float a new consumer education portal to educate general public and insurance policyholders on various aspects of insurance.
The new website expected to go live on Monday will have complete information that includes, cost of treatment and treatment facility offered across 35,000 hospitals that are registered with insurers for providing cashless payment facility. 
“ It’ s a unique initiative of Irdai which going forward will helpinsurance companies and hospitals and all the insured under varioushealth insurance schemes to get all relevant data at one place,” IRDAI  member Nilesh Sathe told PTI.
As part of the initiative, every hospital associated with insurers has been given a ‘ Unique Identification Number’ (UIN). The UIN will enable the IRDAI-promoted Insurance Information Bureau (IIB) to keep a tab on the patterns of health insurance claims from all those hospitals. 
The creation of the Web site is part of a series of initiatives under the ‘ BimaBemisaal’ for creating awareness about insurance.

Now All Details about Insurance Available under a Single Floor.

Now IRDAI taken a one more Brilliant step.IRDAI will launch a sitefor Policy Holders and all People who are looking for policies. In this site IRDAI provides all details about the Insurance in Brief and common people can gain and increase their knowledge about theInsurance and the processes. Insurance watchdog – Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI) has announced its decision to float a new consumer education portal to educate general public and insurance policyholders on various aspects of insurance.
The new website expected to go live on Monday will have complete information that includes, cost of treatment and treatment facility offered across 35,000 hospitals that are registered with insurers for providing cashless payment facility. 
“ It’ s a unique initiative of Irdai which going forward will helpinsurance companies and hospitals and all the insured under varioushealth insurance schemes to get all relevant data at one place,” IRDAI  member Nilesh Sathe told PTI.
As part of the initiative, every hospital associated with insurers has been given a ‘ Unique Identification Number’ (UIN). The UIN will enable the IRDAI-promoted Insurance Information Bureau (IIB) to keep a tab on the patterns of health insurance claims from all those hospitals. 
The creation of the Web site is part of a series of initiatives under the ‘ BimaBemisaal’ for creating awareness about insurance.

IRDAI Introduces a Website For Increasing Public Knowledge About Insurance.

Now IRDAI taken a one more Brilliant step.IRDAI will launch a site for Policy Holders and all People who are looking for policies. In this site IRDAI provides all details about the Insurance in Brief and common people can gain and increase their knowledge about the Insurance and the processes. Insurance watchdog – Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI) has announced its decision to float a new consumer education portal to educate general public and insurance policyholders on various aspects of insurance.
The new website expected to go live on Monday will have complete information that includes, cost of treatment and treatment facility offered across 35,000 hospitals that are registered with insurers for providing cashless payment facility. 
“ It’ s a unique initiative of Irdai which going forward will help insurance companies and hospitals and all the insured under various health insurance schemes to get all relevant data at one place,” IRDAI  member Nilesh Sathe told PTI.
As part of the initiative, every hospital associated with insurers has been given a ‘ Unique Identification Number’ (UIN). The UIN will enable the IRDAI-promoted Insurance Information Bureau (IIB) to keep a tab on the patterns of health insurance claims from all those hospitals. 
The creation of the Web site is part of a series of initiatives under the ‘ BimaBemisaal’ for creating awareness about insurance.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Group Health Insurance is Beneficial or Not..

We often delay buying an individual health cover assuming that our employer’s group health cover would suffice to meet our medical requirement. What we fail to acknowledge in process is our changing lifestyle, inflation and rising medical costs that may exhaust our savings, in case we don’t have sufficient medical coverage. Also, let’s not forget that obtaining medical insurance policy would cost us more as we grow older. So, is it really wise to exclusively rely on group health cover? Does it make sense for us to sign up for an individual health plan at all? Let’s look at what group and individual insurance entails:

What is covered under group health insurance plan?
You and your family will be covered under group health insurance plan as soon as you begin working with a corporate organization. Simply put, group health plan takes care of medical treatment and hospitalization expenses in case of an emergency. Besides provisioning for pre-existing illnesses and maternity expenses at nominal rate, group insurance plan today, comes with an option to enhance health coverage by paying additional premium, with voluntary Top-Up plan.

What is covered under individual plan?
As a salaried person, you would be covered under your company’s group health insurance plan. Although it provisions for most of the medical treatments and emergencies, the question that arises is whether it is adequate. This is where an individual health plan or family floater plan comes handy. It offers additional benefits to people who are already covered under the group health plan and otherwise too. Unlike group health plan, you can customize your health insurance policy by opting for an add-on cover or Top-Up and Super Top-Up plan, as per the life-stage that you are in.

How does a group health plan fair vis-à-vis individual health plan?
The basic distinction between a group health plan and an individual health plan is that while the former is employer owned and controlled, the latter is owned by the individual. Though both provide a similar cover, yet there exists few key differences between the two. Let’s examine them:

Premium: Group health insurance plan is cheaper than an individual or family floater plan as the risk for the insurance company is spread out over a group of people. However, in individual health plan, your premium outgo can be anywhere between Rs.6000-8000 for sum insured of Rs.5lacs.

Waiting Period: While group policy covers diseases or medical treatments right from day one, there is a waiting period that you have to bear before you are covered under individual health plan. This can be anywhere between 3-6yrs, depending on the insurer and your medical history.

Pre-existing diseases: Group policy covers pre-existing disease right from day one, while there is a waiting period of 3-4 years before these are covered by individual policy. Insurers generally levy certain loading charges and co-payment clause in case of pre-existing illness. In addition to this, you may have to settle for higher premium outgo depending on the nature of your illness.
Also, it will be difficult for you to qualify for an individual health plan if you have pre-existing illness, especially if you happen to be in the advanced stage. This can be challenging if you decide to leave your job or take a sabbatical.

Underwriting: Every person who applies for group health policy is accepted under the plan, irrespective of his age or health condition. In case of individual health plan, insurers can accept or reject your application depending on your age, income, lifestyle and medical history. They may even ask you to pay higher premium or clear part of the total medical expense out of your own pocket, as per the ‘risk factor’ involved.

Customization of policy: A group health plan cannot be customized beyond a certain point as it is up to the organization to choose a plan for its employees, depending on its employee count and overall budget allocation. Your individual policy on the other hand, can be tailor-made to suit your requirement.

Portability: Individual health plan provide you with an option to switch between two plans, insurers and even zones (between regional & all-India coverage) while carrying forward the benefits accrued on previous policy. As per IRDAI regulations, you can now port from a group health cover to an individual health cover at the time of retirement or job change.
Tax benefits: You cannot claim tax benefits on group health plan. On the other hand, you will be eligible for claiming deduction of Rs.25000 & Rs.30000 (senior citizens) respectively, under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act.

How should you choose between the two?
You may not necessarily require a standalone health insurance plan if you are adequately covered under the group health scheme. If you happen to be married and in your late 20s, you must have a minimum sum insured of Rs.5lacs, irrespective of whether (or not) you are insured under group or standalone scheme. However, be wary of the fact that your group insurance would be null and void if you are currently in-between jobs or planning to start your own venture. And this is exactly why you must consider buying a standalone health plan. It is like a strong safety net around you and your family. Consider buying it if you feel your group health scheme is not sufficient enough to meet future requirement.

Check Your Insurance Policy Properly During Free Look Period.

In life insurance, free-look period is the time period during which one can analyze the policy and also make any changes required or even cancel it without any additional costs.  Typically, a free-look period is for 15 days and applicable post receipt of the policy documents. During the 15-day period, you can make changes to the policy without any additional cost. Also, if you plan to cancel the policy within this period you will be refunded the entire amount less the premium for the 15-day period and any charges for this period on a pro rata basis.
However, this free-look can be exercised only when one writes to the insurance company specifically requesting for this. In order to avail this option a form needs to be filled out to. Keep in mind that the individual has to prove the date of receipt of the policy, and the insurer has the right to reject or accept this.
Also, one needs to provide other details along with this form, such as details of change / reason for cancellation, name of agent, policy details, original policy document, indemnity bond, cancelled cheque leaf and premium receipt. An important point to note is that the free-look period of the policy starts from the date of receipt of the policy, and this makes it very important to keep the envelope (with the date seal) to prove when you received the documents.
It is also advisable to write directly to the insurance company and speak to them to cancel the policy during the free look period, since agents can hold on to the documents on some pretext to ensure that you do not cancel the policy within the mandated 15-day period. In the case of unit-linked insurance plans (Ulips), there could be a loss in the investment due to NAV fluctuation, as they will refund the money (less expenses) based on the NAV on the day you apply for a refund.
In order to make the most of the free look in period, ensure that you are not under-insured and rectify this (if this is indeed the case). While choosing a life cover there are several aspects to consider, especially while deciding the sum assured. Apart from the usual ball park of 10 times one’s annual income, there are various other factors to be considered. One should first and foremost take into account their situation in life with regard to dependents, the more the dependents (include plans to have children) the higher sum assured required, as this money has to be used by your family in case of any eventuality. So whatever insurance you are planning to avail, consider this along with your present family scenario and your expected future family scenario.
Also, take this time to read all the ‘small print’ and ensure that the policy is to your requirements. Choosing an insurance policy which offers lower premium payment may not be the best option, as while settling claims there may be many things that are mentioned in the small print and excluded from the cover. Ideally, don’t compare only the insurance premium paid from various insurance providers but also compare their claim settlement reviews and the details of the cover (what is included and what is not). It is advisable for individuals to opt for a company that has a good track record of settling claims.

What it it?
* Typically, a free-look period is for 15 days and applicable post receipt of the policy documents. In that time, you can make changes to the policy without additional cost
* If you plan to cancel the policy within this period you will be refunded the entire amount less the premium for the 15-day period and any charges for this period on a pro rata basis
* The free-look can be exercised only when one writes to the insurance company specifically requesting for it
* An important point to note is that the free-look period of the policy starts from the date of receipt of the policy, and this makes it very important to keep the envelope (with the date seal) to prove when you received the documents

Wednesday 16 December 2015

LIC New Jeevan Nidhi Benefit Illustration.

Pension planning is must important for life like a our Regular Activities,Because this is the only thing,which help us on that time,when nobody going to help.Also its a financial and Personal security in old age.According to this LIC Launched a Plan Named New Jeevan Nidhi.This is a Pure Pension plan and person who complete the age of 18 are eligible for this plan.Generally Pension will start from the 55th age of policy holder,but policy holder can increase the time as per their requirement.The Pension amount vary on the premium you paid and you can eligilble for any mode of pension.You can choose the mode of penson as per your requirement.Like Monthly,Quaterly,Half Yearly and annual mode also.New Jeevan Nidhi Plan provides the pension till your death and after death your nominee will recieve Maturity amount.It means you have a double benefit in this plan.So,the plan support you in retirement age and after death your nominee also recieve this benefit.New Jeevan Nidhi also provides the Double Accident Cover (DAB Rider) and Critical Illness Rider.So,Don't wait and delay.Go Now on and apply this policy online or contact us : +91 7319758961 for any query/question.

Thursday 10 December 2015

LIC Children Money Back Plan Benefit Illustration.

Every Parents wants to secure their child's Future.Parents want that his/her Child will get good education and became a Doctor,Engineer,Pilot,Scientist.Means Every parents have some dream related to their child and same every child have some dream to became a successful Person and give help and support to their parents.But a good person said that "No dreams will complete without a perfect planning".
                     So,Dear parents do you have planned for your Child Future Or Not.If not than hurry up,because its an only time to secure Child Future as well as Career.This is a time of Competition and if you are in back front,than its big problem for your future as well as your Child.
That's why LIC Introduce a plan named Children's Money Back Plan.This is Pure Child Plan and 3 Months Completed baby also eligible for this plan.Below I have explained the Details about the plan.

Illustration : Suppose A parents Invest 50000 Annualy For his/her 3 months child.So,Parent will pay this premium for next 24 Years and Child Start Recieveing Money Back amount From 18th Age.
For Exact Maturity And money Back Details visit here :

Money Back To Child : 18th Year,20th Year,22nd Year and In 25th Year Children will Recieve Final Maturity amount.

Desclaimer : So,This Plan Cover the Child Education as well as his/her Career.
Also You can Apply this plan online from here :

New Jeevan Anand Benefit Illustration.

LIC New Jeevan Anand is a whole life Insurance cover plan available in LIC's Investment Plan.Its a Combination of Endowment and Insurance.Its means in this policy life cover continues till your death.I will explain clearly about this plan below,which is useful to understand about this plan.

Illustration : Suppose Mr X taken a New Jeevan Anand Plan For 25 Years and 20 Lakh policy.
So,after 25 Years Mr X will recieve around 58 Lakh Rs Maturity amount and after Maturity also Insurance Cover of 20 Lakhs Continue till Mr X 100 Birthday.If Mr X died before 100 Years,than Nominee will recieve 20 Lakh Rs.So,this is the major benefit.So,now if you calculate the total benefit In this plan,than Maturity Amount Recieved By Mr X is 58 Lakh Rs and after Death his nominee will recieve 20 Lakh Rs.So,total benefit is 78 Lakh Rs.

Also Apart From this Mr X have a Benefit Of Double Accident Cover and Critical Illness Rider In This Policy Between the Premium Paying Time.
Its Means If something goes wrong with Mr X means Like accidental death in between 25 Years from the date of policy,than Nominee of Mr X will Recieve 40 Lakh Rs irrespective of Premium.
And 2nd Benefit is critical illness rider.In this rider if Mr X disabled due to any reason and he can't able to work,than his total pending premium is waived off by LIC.But Mr X eligible for maturity after completion of 25 Years.

So,this plan is really good for Insurance purpose as well as Investment Purpose.Because there is no Company available who will provide Insurance Cover Upto 100 Years with Return.So,Hurry up and don't missed out this opportunity.For More Details you can visit here : or Apply Online from here :

Wednesday 9 December 2015

LIC Reduce Claim Settelment Process In Tamilnadu Flood Affected People.

LIC Again Comes in Front Foot for helping Flood Victim in Tamilnadu.Country's largest insurer LIC has extended concessions and relaxations to policyholders affected by the floods in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.
LIC has eased the procedure for settlement of claims on the lives of flood victims who are policyholders.
"These concessions and relaxations are in the nature of simplified procedure for death and disabilityclaim settlement, loss of policy document claim settlement on the lives of 'missing' persons etc, similar to the concessions extended to the victims of floods and landslides in Uttarakhand in June 2013, flood disaster in J&K in September 2014, Cyclone in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha in October 2014 and Nepal disaster in April 2015," it said. The recent floods in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry have caused injury and loss of lives on a big scale. 
In a separate statement, PNB MetLife said it has set up a dedicated claims helpline for the Tamil Nadu flood victims with Toll free number 18004256969 in an effort to provide relief and assistance to the victims.
PNB MetLife has streamlined the claim process for the aid of flood-affected customers where easy alternatives to the standard documents can be submitted.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

How to Pay Renewal Premium Of LIC Online.

You can pay your LIC Renewal premium online also.Its a time saving and secure method of Premium payment and for that LIC provides both facility to policy holder.There are 2 types of policy holder available in LIC.One who registered and enrolled their policies on LIC site,they just need to login using their credentials and after succesfull login,they have to choose policy for whom customer wants to pay premium and after chossing policy,customer can pay premium amount via Debit Card,Credit Card,Net Banking.
And 2nd is non registered policy holder of LIC.They have a both option.Customer can create his/her user id and password from the site and after login they can pay or else customers can pay directly via clicking this link :
Than Form will open and customer needs to fill below details :-

1.Policy No
4.Email ID
5.Mobile No
6.Verification text
 Once the form filled succesfully,than customer can proceed for payment.
For More details contact us :

How To Get Policy Details From LIC Login.

LIC customer login is available for the people who wants to know about their policy ,they should login to the Life Insurance Corporation of India official page customer login. The lic customer login page is mainly for people who wants to know the details about policy. If you are a new user means the lic customer login registration is cumpulsory. With Lic customer login portal people can easily interact with the company.

LIC India Customer Login:

The customer can login by visiting the customer login sign up page. In order to register, the details to be filled in online customer login which are given below:

Policy Number
Date of Birth of the Insured
Sum Assured / Face Amount (if applicable)
Policy Date
Policy term
Email ID / Mobile no


LIC of India is the only public sector Life Insurance Company in India. The company was established in September 1956 and is Head Quartered in Mumbai, India which is under taking by Government of India. S K Roy is the Chairman of Life Insurance Corporation of India. It is the largest life insurance company in India with a huge presence in both rural and urban markets. It is the top most leading and famous public sector life insurance company in India and their official website is with this website you can easily get your lic policy details. It provides many different types of lic policy to customer needs. More than 200 insurance companies are established in India.Main objective of  is to spread this insurance products all over India particularly in rural areas and economically background classes and to provide financial insurance covers against death at low premium.

How To Get Surrender Value Of Your LIC Policy.

Hi Friends,Previously I have written a blog about that eligibility for surrender value and now if you have decided that you want to surrender your policy,than below i have describe the process of Getting Surrender Value For Your Policy.
1. You need following documents –
– Original policy certificate
– Photocopy of premium payment receipts
– Photocopy of latest unit balance (for ULIPs)
– Application for surrender value (S.V. Application) or LIC Surrender Request Letter
– LIC Form No. 3510/5074
– Fill-in the above forms and affix the revenue stamp

2. Submit the application in your LIC office. You can only surrender your policy in the office where the policy is issued. You can find your policy issuing office in policy certificate or premium receipts.

3. Only policy holder can surrender the policy.

4. After verification of your policy details the LIC officer will issue you an acknowledgment receipt. Take the acknowledgement slip for your surrendered policies.

5. Once surrendered it would take approximately 20-30 days for you to receive the check at your address.

6. Surrender value cheque will only be sent to the address on your policy. If the address is not your current address, you may get it updated by giving address change request form. The address change will be done immediately and you will be given an acknowledgement.

Thinks to keep in mind, while surrendering insurance policy

1- Surrender value is payable only after three full annual premiums are paid to LIC.

2- Surrender of policy is not recommended since the surrender value would always be proportionately low.

3- Should you decide to go in for another insurance at this stage further insurance would be available to you at a much higher premium because your age would have advanced since taking out the earlier policy.

Does Your Policy Eligible For Surrender Value.

Hi Friends,Most of the time i had seen that many customers have a problem to continue their LIC Policy and they want to surrender that policy for getting some of the amount.But there are many condition available for getting surrender value.There are some specific conditions available for some policies.But majorly 1 thing is compulsory in most of LIC Policy,that your policy should complete at least succesfull three year premium payments.All endowment or money back insurance plans accrue a surrender value after certain period.This surrender value will be very less compared to the premium you have already paid. Term insurance policies are pure protection plans and generally do not accrue any surrender value.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

LIC eyes 10 per cent stake in CDSL for about Rs 83 crore

Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) is likely to buy 10 per cent stake in Central Depository Services Ltd (CDSL) from BSE in a deal that may value the leading depository at about Rs 825 crore.
At this valuation, the 10 per cent stake will be worth Rs 82.5 crore sources said.BSE, which holds 54.20 per cent stake in CDSL, is paring its stake in the depository to comply with the capital markets regulator Sebi norm.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) in April 2012 had said that a single stock exchange can not have more than 24 per cent in a depository. The regulator had given three years time to exchanges to comply with the rules.
Earlier Canara Bank was also in the race to pick up BSE’s stake in CDSL.
Other shareholders in CDSL are Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, State Bank of India, HDFC Bank, Canara Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Union Bank of India, Bank of Maharashtra and Calcutta Stock Exchange.
CDSL allows investors to deposit securities by opening an account. The securities such as shares, debentures, bonds of investors are held in electronic form (dematerialised form) at the depositories. It has a little over 1.02 crore investor accounts.


Ashish Mehrotra has been appointed as the new Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of Max Bupa Health Insrance. He will take over the reins from Manasije Mishra, who has moved over to Aetna India as its Managing Director.
In a statement, the company said he would be responsible for fortifying the company’ s position, growing its customer base, enhancing its brand, products and services, strengthening distribution channels and creating long-term value.Expressing delight over his appointment, Rahul Khosla, managing director, Max India and chairman, MaxHealthcare, said “ I am delighted to welcome Ashish to the Max family. His diverse expertise and track record of consistent and profitable growth will be invaluable for Max Bupa.”
Mehrotra brings with him over 22 years of banking experience and held several portfolios at Citibank including Consumer Assets, Business Banking and Mortgage Business.On the occasion of his appointment, Mehrotra said,“ I look forward to contributing to the growth of Max Bupa and enabling millions of Indian families to lead healthier, more successful lives.”
Max Bupa is a 74:26 joint venture between Max India and Britain-based health and care company – Bupa.


Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Company on Friday said it has got IRDAI approval to commence business as an insurance company.
The announcement was made by the company on the eve of its 30th anniversary.  It is a momentous occasion for us at Kotak Mahindra Group to receive the licence on the eve of our 30th anniversary,” said Gaurang Shah, president, Kotak Group asset management andinsurance business.
The promoters have set-up the new business with an investment of over Rs 100 crore and are not looking to tie up with a foreign investor in the near future.” If we find that having a joint venture partner is crucial to the business, then we will look at it at that point,” Shah added further.
Of the 22 private insurance companies operating in India, 19 already have a foreign partner
Kotak General Insurance has received permission to underwrite all classes of general insurancebusiness.
With increasing distribution network of Kotak Mahindra Group, growing brand equity and consumer franchise, the company believes that it will be able to leverage synergies and add significant value to general insurance business, Kotak General Insurance Chief Executive Officer Mahesh Balasubramanian said.
The merger of ING Vysya Bank with Kotak Mahindra Bank has also a larger customer base and an increased geographical footprint of spanning across   650 locations and 1,280 branches.As per industry estimates, general insurance market in India is currently at Rs 84,000 crore premium per annum and has been growing at a healthy rate of 15 percent for the last five years.


Japan’ s Nippon Life Insurance has decided to acquire an additional 23% stake in RelianceLife Insurance for about Rs 2,265 crore taking its total stake to 49%.Once the deal is ratified by foreign investment promotion board (FIPB) and the insurance regulator, Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company, with a Rs. 10,000 crore valuation, will be amongst the highest in the insurance sector, according to a statement issued by Reliance Capital, the holding company of Reliance Life.“ We are delighted that the outstandingrelationship between our two companies has now grown into an equal partnership, with NLI increasing their stake – first, in our asset management business, and now, in our Life Insurance business – to 49 per cent,” said Anil Ambani, chairman, Reliance Group.Adding further, he said, “ Life Insurance is one of Reliance Capital’ s major businesses, and we believe Nippon Life’ s experience of over 125 years will accelerate our growth in this space.”
“ This additional investment represents not only the past efforts and initiatives, but also the good relationship between both companies going forward,” said Yoshinobu Tsutsui, President, Nippon Life Insurance.
The deal comes after the Modi-led NDA government amended insurance laws, earlier this year and increased the FDI limit in insurance sector, for a foreign player, from 26% to 49%.The FDI hike is showing positive signs for the cash starved Indian insurance sector. Earlier, UK-based Bupa had announced its decision to hike its stake to 49% in its Indian Joint Venture with Max India.Apart from Standard Life, which is said to be in talks with its Indian partner, Housing Development Finance Corp Ltd. (HDFC) to increase its stake from 26% to 36%, BNP Paribas Cardif, which has a life insurance joint venture with top Indian lender State Bank of India, is also exploring opportunities to increase its stake to 36%.